Proud of being a Bradfield

Saturday, December 26, 2015

I was always proud of my last name growing up. My sister and I loved that it had a history and a great story attached to it. It spurred our imaginations as we tried to find the Bradfield crest and were so excited when we found there is a Bradfield street and a College in England.
This name came from my Grandfather Chris. He was an adventurous man when he was young, I wish I new more of his story, maybe I will find out more of it now. But my favourite story is when he decided to leave England to find a new place and he was trying to decide if he would go to Australia or Canada but he missed the boat to Australia so he went to Canada. (We always joked we were so close to being Australian!)
He arrived in Canada with his peddle bike with one of his only possessions and between that and the CN rail, made his way across Canada until he finally settled down in Alberta. There he got a farm, a wife, 3 kids and he never went back. 
He loved his Hockey and regardless of his youthful adventures it was always pulling teeth to try to convince him to take a break from his cows. Though when he did, he always enjoyed it. 
You could always count on him for a cup of tetley tea or 5 whenever you dropped in.
This was a man dearly loved, and he passed away just a few days ago. Though I think it happened how he would have liked it, quick and with no fuss. 

Thank you Grandpa for a beautiful name and all of the memories attached to it. 

I will always be a Bradfield at heart. 


Support our Ministry with MAF

Managers / Pilots / Mechanics / Administrators are needed on the field. As a pilot and advisor, Nick plays a very important role of flying and advising on operations in the WDRC program. DRC is one of the most difficult places to do 'business' there are as many or more difficulties going into the office then flying over the jungles of Congo. However difficult his job is a necessary one; there are numerous isolated places and people in Congo that need MAF to be here.

The only way that we can continue to do the work that Gad has laid before us in Congo is by your generous donations.

We are aware that some partner with us for only a season which leaves an opportunity for others to come along side our ministry; because of that we are always looking those who will partner with us in our ministry with MAF to be able to keep our fundraising goal at 100%. Would you prayerfully ask God if He is prompting you to be a part of our ministry?

Ways to Give:

Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada
102-195 Hanlon Creek Blvd
Guelph, ON N1C 0A1

Toll-Free: 1.877.351.9344