Free Time!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ben and Lisa
We have been quite busy ever since we came home from Christmas. Our teacher Suzanne was sick for pretty much our entire first week back and so we had an extra few days to enjoy and adjust that we did not plan for. However that meant that we've had lots of make up classes to do... So usually we have every Monday off for class butttttt ever since Christmas we have had classes 5 days a week... I know I know there are lots of students that do that, so let me explain a little. We have tried, since we've arrived here, to have the most amount of French exposure as we could. So pretty much every night we are out doing something or talking to someone in French to be able to continue to use the French that we are learning. So we had just got ourselves to a full schedule and then BAM monday classes haha... feels like punishment or something. But no, just trying to get all the french in that we can. So that extra day of class has made it seem like everything is getting a little bit busier! But we have also had the blessing of people coming to visit! We had Ben and Lisa Herbert come and visit for the weekend and it seemed like a short time but we had tons of fun on the last weekend of Carnaval. It was an encouraging time to be able to talk and pray with them and just do life for a weekend!
Julia and Alian who run HaloCAREbure

I have also had an opportunity to work with a couple here from our church just doing some media stuff for HaloCAREbure  in my "Free Time" and I am just trying to get them set up so they they will be able to grow and expand like they are wanting. It is TONS of fun to finally be able to do something creative, it has been a while since I have made a flier or brochure so its good to get my brain back into it a little bit and trying some new things that I was never able to try before! We have also been able to make very good friends with the people that run the company and it has been some awesome times of being able to minister with them and also be able to encourage them as well!

Bobby and Johanna, other french students
Nick has been trying to help out as much as he can at the local soup kitchen, he loves it so much there and goes whenever he can. However he can tell he is picking up more of the Quebecois slang than the French our teacher is teaching us haha. so he just has to slowdown and think more with our tutor.

The other students that are studying with Suzanne are leaving at the end of this week and they are heading out to Madagascar with a Baptist Mission. We have enjoyed their friendship and will continue to pray for them after they leave.

Today we had a nice surprise of not having any class so we have been catching up on lots of different things. We do continue to ask for your prayers for us in that we would really be able to learn French well, quickly and have the courage to speak it. Also that we would be able to be an encouragement to the people here that we meet and know. God is good and he is continuing to work in our lives. Thank you for walking along side us! We miss you all. Remember to stay in contact! ^_^
Anyone wanna roll in the snow?

A float shooting fireworks
You could go for a dog sled ride!
Balloons in the Parade
Crazy Pirate


Support our Ministry with MAF

Managers / Pilots / Mechanics / Administrators are needed on the field. As a pilot and advisor, Nick plays a very important role of flying and advising on operations in the WDRC program. DRC is one of the most difficult places to do 'business' there are as many or more difficulties going into the office then flying over the jungles of Congo. However difficult his job is a necessary one; there are numerous isolated places and people in Congo that need MAF to be here.

The only way that we can continue to do the work that Gad has laid before us in Congo is by your generous donations.

We are aware that some partner with us for only a season which leaves an opportunity for others to come along side our ministry; because of that we are always looking those who will partner with us in our ministry with MAF to be able to keep our fundraising goal at 100%. Would you prayerfully ask God if He is prompting you to be a part of our ministry?

Ways to Give:

Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada
102-195 Hanlon Creek Blvd
Guelph, ON N1C 0A1

Toll-Free: 1.877.351.9344